Main menu:
Here you find all the projects to choose from. Please be patient, the service just started shortly, so the variety is still quite limited. We plan to expand this platform continously. So hopefully in some time there will be interesting projects from all over the world to choose from.
How does it work?
In order to obtain your desired data set please send us a mail by clicking on the adress at the bottom of the page. You will receive a download link for convenient online access. Using our service for the first time is free, all following downloads cost € 220,- each. Please note that the zipped files are up to 1.2 GB in size, so highspeed internet is recommended.
If you prefer other file formats such as "POD" for Bentley, "e57" or the "FLS" as the original FARO laserscan-format we can help you out, too. Just send us a mail with your individual needs.